Plot: Jonathan arrives in a small town for the festival of the light, Aurora Borealis, he realises that there is more to this small town than meets the eye. As he expolres this town he begins to learn much about himself, and makes unlikely friends.
Written & Directed by: Sebastian Belmont
Cast: Sebastian Belmont – Jonathan/Narrartor Madeline Marie Dona – Ms. Pott Angelica Lockyer – Meheilda Chaya Ocampo – Emil Darren Kuman – Johann Gulliver McGrath – Louie
Produced by: Belmont Audio Recoreded by: Magic Studio
at 4 years ago
Everything along the way, to and from, fascinated her: every pebble, ant, stick, leaf, blade of grass, and crack in the sidewalk was something to be picked up
Everything along the way, to and from, fascinated her: every pebble, ant, stick, leaf, blade of grass, and crack in the sidewalk was something to be picked up
No, that story reflects a real life journey I went through with my friends when we finished university together (my friends are the voice actors) so it was a project for us to remember our time at uni together. but i am writing 13 scrips that will be in the same style and tone of a piece of cake. stay tuned!
at 9 months ago
Hi Gavein, I am really glad you enjoyed a piece Cake!
It was a passion project I am glad I brought to life!
Everything along the way, to and from, fascinated her: every pebble, ant, stick, leaf, blade of grass, and crack in the sidewalk was something to be picked up
Everything along the way, to and from, fascinated her: every pebble, ant, stick, leaf, blade of grass, and crack in the sidewalk was something to be picked up
Such an enjoyable listen! Started out a bit slow but then had a real beating heart. Loved the ending!
The airport farewell didn’t feel like they had just met, it was as if these people knew each other for a long time.
Will there be a part 2?
No, that story reflects a real life journey I went through with my friends when we finished university together (my friends are the voice actors) so it was a project for us to remember our time at uni together. but i am writing 13 scrips that will be in the same style and tone of a piece of cake. stay tuned!
Hi Gavein, I am really glad you enjoyed a piece Cake!
It was a passion project I am glad I brought to life!